lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007

Let Me InTroDucE U UkRaInE!!

Ukraine (it names official, Ukrajina), republic located in the east of Europe, limits to the north with Bielorrusia and Russia, to the east with Russia, to the south with the Black sea and the sea of Azov, to the Southwest with Rumania and Moldavia, and to the west with Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. It was the previous Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine, integral of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). he/she is a member associated of the Independent Community of States (CEI) that replaced the USSR in December of 1991, although it has not ratified the agreement it has more than enough payments and customses, eligiendo observer's condition in the International Assembly of the CEI.
With a total surface of 603.700 km², Ukraine is the second more extensive country of Europe after Russia. In their territory the peninsula of Crimea is included that in 1991 it passed of being an oblast (similar administrative division to the county) to be a constituent republic. Kíev is the capital and the main city.
Ukraine (it names official, Ukrajina), republic located in the east of Europe, limits to the north with Bielorrusia and Russia, to the east with Russia, to the south with the Black sea and the sea of Azov, to the Southwest with Rumania and Moldavia, and to the west with Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. It was the previous Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine, integral of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). he/she is a member associated of the Independent Community of States (CEI) that replaced the USSR in December of 1991, although it has not ratified the agreement it has more than enough payments and customses, eligiendo observer's condition in the International Assembly of the CEI.
With a total surface of 603.700 km², Ukraine is the second more extensive country of Europe after Russia. In their territory the peninsula of Crimea is included that in 1991 it passed of being an oblast (similar administrative division to the county) to be a constituent republic. Kíev is the capital and the main city.
The climate of Ukraine is continental temperate, while it is mediterranean subtropical in the south of the peninsula of Crimea; the average of the monthly temperatures in winter varies from -8 °C up to 2 °C, and in summer they make it between 17 °C and 25 °C. The coast of the Black sea is subjected to icy and no Ukrainian port is permanently free of ice. The precipitations, in general, diminish toward the south: in the Cárpatos they overcome the 1.500 mm a year, while in the low lands of the Black sea, they don't reach the 300 mm a year.

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