martes, 14 de agosto de 2007

Who am I? What´s the objective of this blog?

My name is Jenny Catherine Forero. I'm 18 years old and I was born in Bogotá, Colombia on 28 July 1989. I live with my parents and I'm the older of four siblings, which is a huge responsibility, but I have always been thoughtful, so I give them a good example. My friends nickname me as "Jk Potter", because I've been fanatic of all the Harry Potter books wrote by Jk Rowling since a long time ago and moreover I love the movies. I had studied at Divino Salvador School, La Fontana Real School and I graduated of high school of San Francisco de Sales School. At the moment, I’m studying at La Sabana University and I have just entered to second semester of Social Communication and Journalism.

I consider myself as a terribly shy person, but at the same time which is very friendly and good listener too. I’m the kind of person who is responsible, perhaps perfectionist, a little obstinate, nervous and moody. I am very loyal and collaborating, sometimes imprudent, but always try to find the best way to fix the problems peacefully. I love music, specially vallenato since I was a little girl. I like writing and at school I won some spelling competitions and poetry. I’m really exciting with my career, keen to learn as much as I can and I’d like to train as a columnist and one plan is to specialize in history, languages and cultures.
The objective of this blog is give information about Ukraine, analize it´s reality, past and present, and compare it with the situation of my country, Colombia. Because its very important to look beyond, as the title of this blog says, and not only comparing the colombian situation with countries like United States or England, but also with almost unknown countries for us as European ones, but I choose Ukraine, because it has a very intresting history and I want to know as much as I can about it. So, welcome to my blog, I hope you like it. Suggestions and comments are very important to give my best. If you have something to add or debate, just let me know...

1 comentario:

Maria Cecilia Vasquez dijo...

i think that is good idea to incluide information about you in you blog , really is very funny , interesting and amazing.