sábado, 20 de octubre de 2007

CoMpArIsOn BeTwEeN CoLoMbIa AnD UkRaInE...

The reform or abolition of the old security structures can create a vacuum Security, that´s what happens in Ukraine. When, as a result, increases crime, many people pray for more effective policing. The anger felt by the victims of crime is often considerable, and they blame for their suffering to the authorities or Reform processes. The collective anger determines the demand for a force of order More efficient public. And a common way to do this is by requiring "just punishment" of the restorative justice.

Ukraine and Colombia suffer severe problems of insecurity and instability of public order. But Colombia has guerrillas, which is something that even if is more volatile the nascent republic of Ukraine, has not. It is also important to note that both suffer from corruption and "dirty" competence among political parties, gangs, dislikes and affronts. Ukraine suffers mainly from the corruption of public institutions. In fact, the murder of a journalist during in 2000, is attributed to police to the government of Kuhma.

But the important thing is to remember that Ukraine is beginning until now to form their awareness of a nation and therefore is not exempt from having flaws in their government and social system, but Colombia suffers from serious problems that require more attention from our leaders, is one of the most violent countries in the world, which is obviously painful, the numbers of violence, poverty and unemployment increase, but the policies currently under way expect to find the solution to this cruel and powerful reality that we live on daily.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

hello, jenny your blog is very interesting, you have some important information about Ukraine and Colombia, your comparison about crime is good.

at: Paloma