martes, 23 de octubre de 2007

CrImE In UkRaInE...

When we analize countries with a history of authoritarian government, such as Ukraine, the problems like the insecurity and vandalism accompanying it . The authorities more easily succumb to the temptation to resort back to authoritarian solutions, in which some elements of public opinion felt pain. Tend to prevail cultures of violence within the police and communities. Former armed groups may reappear in the form of criminal networks or a private security and repressive apparatus. Other factors exacerbating the situation, as a chaotic urbanization process, the precariousness of the main urban services, the persistence of the gap between rich and poor, the growing influence of the activity of the bands in the social fabric, the availability of weapons and drugs, the effects of demobilization groups of soldiers or rebels, social dislocation, discrimination Systemic corruption and abuse and the police. In addition, public institutions that are illegitimate and the political regime has ruled by resorting to force and not by consent, these problems get worse. Moreover, Ukrainian political groups use violence or incitement, to intimidate voters ...

To conclude, is important to say that is essential that any outstanding problems would be resolved by the same Ukrainians and they have made progress in terms of policies against corruption and violence concerns.

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